Friday, June 27, 2008

100 things about me!

1. I'm the youngest of 7 children

2. I love to write stories

3. I've gotten in 2 accidents... before I even had my permit.

4. My best friend used to live in my neighborhood, until we both moved. Now she lives a half an hour away.

5. I've been an aunt since I was 3.

6. My family's names go in the order of the alphabet. A-G

7. I lived in the same house for 13 years.

8. I love Japanese culture!

9. My favorite color is teal.

10. I had a love/hate relationship with someone in 8th grade. (More like, I hated him at first and loved him later.)

11. I hate people taking pictures of me now. (I used to love it!)

*sigh* When I lose weight...

12. I love to read/collect books. My favorite genre is Historical Fiction.

13. I LOVE to play video games.

14. I get headaches a lot. Mostly when I don't get enough sleep.

15. I love the theater and I love to act.

16. Spongebob is my favorite cartoon character.

17. I used to collect posters until we moved. (I still have a few.)

18. My dream vacations are Italy and Egypt.

19. I love to draw! (If only I was good at it...)

20. I have 8 nieces, 1 nephew, 2 half-nieces, and 3 half nephews. A lot to keep track of.

21. I love going to movies.

22. I love to sing. I was in Ladies choir this year.

23. My whole family is musically talented.

24. My hair is naturally curly.

25. I love to read manga (Japanese comics) and watch anime (Japanese cartoons)

26. My favorite restaurants are Spaghetti Mama's, European Connection, and... Wendy's!

27. I finally got a cell phone for my 15th birthday.

28. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

29. My Mama is my favorite person to make fun of. Ha ha!

30. My favorite radio station is 106.5

31. I hate working out. (Maybe that's why I'm so big?)

32. I love everything about History, you name it!

33. I like to Scrapbook. Granted, my Mom and Sister's are much, much better than me, but I like to make things cute!

34. I'm a hopeless romantic! I love books/manga/movies that make me go "AWWWWW!"

35. I'm still afraid of the dark.

36. I love being in charge.

37. I love getting attention, and hate when people are mad at me.

38. I HATE shopping!

39. I like to make people laugh.

40. I've gone to 5 schools in my lifetime: Oquirrh, Westland, West Jordan, South Jordan, and Bingham.

41. My dog Hershey was the only pet I've ever had.



42. I love to travel!

43. One of the best vacations was going to California with JUST my Mama, 2 sisters, and 2 nieces. (and baby Elli)

44. My favorite "movie musical" is Sound of Music.

45. My favorite book of the Twilight series is "New Moon" because my favorite character is Jacob.

46. There's been TONS of parties at my house, but I'VE only had 2 birthday parties. When I was 4 and 8. I don't like large groups of people.

47. I love to cook~mostly pasta.

48. I used to be a huge neat freak, but now I can hardly clean my room once a week.

49. I hate sports.

50. I love BYU!

51. I wore the same hairband for 6 years!

52. I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper.

53. I love Reality shows.

54. I love to look at all photos. (except mine)

55. The Back to the Future trilogy is my favorite 80's movie(s). You don't want to know how many times I've seen them...

56. My ears are so sensitive that I can't even pierce my ears.

57. I can pick out the time signature of almost any song.

58. I love to get scared.

59. My favorite flower is "Birds of Paradise."

60. I love paintings.

61. I love famous quotes, and inspirational 'sayings.'

62. I was born with black hair, and it turned blond. (It's getting darker as the years go on.)

63. I am now a member of Gold's gym.

64. I like to get up early and go back to bed.

65. I've had the same piano teacher for 8 years, and cello teacher for 4 years.

66. Just like both my sisters, I always wanted a middle name, so I gave myself one. "Jean"

67. I love Jazz

68. I don't get cold easily. I used to stand in the snow barefoot for like 10 minutes when I was younger, I never wear a coat, and I put the A/C on full blast in the middle of Winter.

69. I sucked my thumb until I was 9.

70. My favorite TV shows are... Well, there's too many to count, but here's a few: "The Office," "Arrested Development," and "What not to Wear."

71. I love Facebook!

72. I hate natural light. I usually make everything dark in the house... only for it to be made light again by the rest of the household.
73. I love all accessories.

74. Foster bought me a necklace before he left, and I've worn it ever since.

75. I listen to music when I'm alone. (Which is very often.)

76. I'm disgusted with Split pea soup- due to an incident when I had my braces on.

77. I cut my own hair when I was 11 for Halloween. My Mom wasn't happy. I think I learned my lesson...

78. I wore hats for 2 years just for kicks. I still have my collection.

79. I like to
tell stories.

80. I have A.D.D. and have a compulsive need to chew.

. I got up at 4:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays for early morning symphony.

82. I like to wear pajamas more than clothes. When I'm at home, I just wear pajama pants all day.

83. I used to be a "hoarder" and couldn't get rid of anything! I finally learned to keep only what was important.

84. I like spending time with my WHOLE family.

85. If I like it a lot, I'll watch movies/TV shows/clips over and over and over again.

86. Same with songs, I listen to them until I have it memorized.

87. I was paid $250 for helping campaign FOR Referendum 1, a few months ago.

88. I had a 6 pack before I gained weight. *sigh* (I know, it's hard to believe.)

89. I've never had a zit in my life.

90. I want to be a tour guide when I grow up.

91. I love people's eye colors. I always notice eyes before anything else.

92. I love Disney! My birth year movie is Aladdin, so it's very dear to me.

93. I'm a huge Grammar freak, and I love to edit.

94. My nicknames are Genellie, Genellie bean, Genellie fish, and Gel. I also love to give others nicknames as well.

95. My parents offered to take me to Europe in 8th grade, but I didn't want to go, so I asked to go to Disneyland instead. LOL!

96. I've only worn my retainer once. I think it's still around here somewhere...

97. I absolutely, positively, HATE people touching my hair.

98. I used to take clogging when Iwas little.

99. I didn't know how to tell time until 7th grade.

100. Growing up, I was the biggest tomboy (having 4 older brothers before me, and my sister's never stepped in.) until I was 13.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hot Guy Monday (On Tuesday)

The Jive
I love his face!
Chris and Comfort "Krump" in the top 20
This is my favorite dance!
Cute lil' Chris

So, Carissa introduced me to a new show... "So you think you can dance" It's now my favorite show! And there's a real sweetie on there named Chris Jarosz. He totally looks like Donny Osmond! We (Me and Carissa) call him Donny Osmond Jr.
He's such a great dancer, and I feel so bad that he got such a lame partner.
If you're interested in seeing him, it's on Wednesdays. He is such a cute, humble, talented, friendly guy! We love you Chris!
(You wouldn't believe how unbelievably impossible it is to find pictures of him! I have my ways...)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Salvation Army

I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to post... I'm still at my sister's babysitting, and haven't really had time to post anything.
I had the opportunity to work at The Salvation Army, up here in Pocatello, yesterday, and it was a really neat experience.
I went to my neice, Akayla's church and met the YW president and counselors, and since their YW is so sparse, they were really glad to see a new face! I also went to Mutual and helped them prepare food for The Salvation Army, and they were so excited to see me there. I felt like I was a part of their ward, and was really sad I had to leave them. (But that doesn't mean I'm not excited to see my REAL ward again!!!) Anyway, I was so surprised they asked ME to work at the Salvation Army and not Akayla, (she was apparently too young.) but I still agreed to go, because no other Young women could. The YW president was so sweet and kept making jokes like "It's pretty sad that we can't even get girls from our own ward here, we have to recruit to Utah!" It was so fun to work with them (The president and counselors) though, and I was really glad I went. I met some very nice people at The Salvation Army. They were all very grateful for the food we prepared for them and left with full stomachs. I felt bad for a few of them, with kids and people who seemed REALLY out of it, but it was such a great service project, and now I can check "Give food to the Homeless" off my Bucket list.