Well, Robert Pattinson may not be my choice of Edward, but Taylor Lautner is the absolutle ideal Jacob. The funny thing is, (100% true) I was looking for good Jacobs before I even knew they were MAKING a movie. I looked up dark skinned actors and I when I saw Taylor Lautner, I thought "He looks like my description of Jacob!" I went INSANE when I found out he was playing Jacob. I called that!!!!! I am physcic.
Do you think it's right to have a hotter Jacob than Edward?
I think they got it positively SPOT ON!
Thank you, Thank you.
On this we agree. He is perfect for Jacob. I saw an mtv blurb with him and his long wig....so cute! You like Jacob better than Edward anyway, right? So this is a good thing.
Genelle, you are so cute. I agree... He is the cutest Jacob and he is EXACTLY how I pictured Jacob. I think they got Alice right, too. I am going to love Robert as Edward but I definitely didn't picture him looking like that. I pictured Esme like the actor and that's about it. I don't care, though. I'm just excited for the movie. I think it's gonna be AWESOME!
HE IS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! He is awesome for Jacob! But I still like Edward WAY more!!!
Okay, who needs to update now? I've been checking and checking and no changes! Get with it Genelle!
Genelle! You get after Ang if she doesn't do a blog every day and it has been almost a week since you did one! What's up with that?
Genelle, Are you doing homework or something?!! Get with it. Mom
Okay, okay, I agree. I really like the Jacob choice. Edward was great as Cedric Digory, and who knows, maybe his performance will "dazzle"-hee hee- us, but I think he looks too emaciated for my picture of a real live Edward. Thanks for enduring another post from old me :)
why iz his hair white!?!?!!?!?
thats messsed up!
this boy is hot!! he is exactly how i pictured jacob!! alice is to!!i have read twilight 5 times!! and new moon 10 times!!! ive seen the movie 11 times!!! TAYLOR LAUTNER IS HOTT!!!!!
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