Is it just me, or is Robert Pattinson the WORST POSSIBLE OPTION FOR EDWARD IMAGINABLE?!?!?
I think he is probably the ugliest person I've ever seen in my life! What were they thinking? He was OK as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter, but to take on Edward is just too much. I can't go to the movies thinking that Voldemort is going to pop out at any second! What is this world coming to?
If I was Kristin Stewart, (Bella) I'd ask: "Can I get a stunt double for this kissing scene?" Poor girl.
Well, I have to go see it, because I'll be the only girl in all of South Jordan that HASN'T seen it if I don't.
Does Anyone agree with me?
I totally disagree with you! At first I wondered what they were thinking because I didn't think he was cute in Harry Potter. I saw a video someone from Twilight Moms put together and I got excited. I think he will be good looking, but most importantly he looks like a vampire and he will act like Edward. I'm totally excited!!
I TOTALLY agree with my mom!! He is perfect for Edward!! I think you're crazy Genelle!! Better get used to him!!
It's true, Genelle. It looks like you are in the minority. I think he is going to be a perfect Edward and I actually thought he was pretty cute in Harry Potter too. What do you want to bet that you go see the movie and become obsessed with him?
I actually agree with you Genelle. After reading the book I would expect Edward to be the most handsome man on earth, and Robert Pattinson just doesn't fill the bill, but maybe the expectation is just too high and no one could look that good, so I am willing to wait and see how he plays it in the theatre.
i thought he was really cute in harry potter but i couldn't picture him as edward until i saw the video snippets from twilight. sorry genelle, agree to disagree?
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