Friday, July 18, 2008


I'm stealing this from my 2 sisters, and sister in-law. Let's make a nice chain of memories, eh?

Here are the rules:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.


Ang said...

Hey Genellie! I remember the day you were born - Carissa and I wanted a baby sister SOOOO bad! We screamed and danced when dad told us you were born. I remember taking you to my school to show you off and I loved bringing you with me to hang out with my friends. I remember when you were little and I was first married you would come to my house and play and you always wanted to watch "Lanfry tie" (Land Before Time). I remember many summers you coming to my house to hang out for a few days. My kids always love playing with you. I remember your crazy obsessions - sponge bob and charlie and the chocolate factory. You've always been just a little bit nutty! I'm so glad that we are finally having a sister relationship instead of an aunt/neice or something relationship. You're so fun and I love ya!!! Can't wait to hang out again soon!

Carissa J said...

Genellie, Genellie, Genellie... Like Angela, I wanted a little sister sooooo bad. I remember praying to Heavenly Father that if he gave me a little sister I promised to do your hair every day of your life... Well, I have not held up my part of that bargain but I hope Heavenly Father knows I was a little young to be making such a promise! Lol! Anyway, I was so excited when you were born. I remember when you were young I would always dress you up and put wigs on you and then take pictures. I also loved to feed you in your high chair. I remember you would run around all summer long and when Fall came around your skin was as dark as could be! I still don't understand who you, Brandon, and Evan got your skin color from! I also (like Ang) remember all your obsessions and thinking that you were so much like me! You are so unique! What a wierd and wonderful sister I have!

jenjen said...

whenever I think of you I think of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, headbands, and mini milks at McDonalds. C&C because of your obsession, headbands because you wore the same one forever! and Mini milks because one time we stopped at McD's and while waiting for food you gathered up a handful of them and were drinking them...sharing and drinking! How fun! you are so funny!

Ang said...

I remember going to your house and you were all excited about Twilight. You asked me if I wanted to know about it, then you told me the whole story, then I got excited about it and I read it!!! Corina
PS: Your humoresque song is on speed play (it is perfect for chipmunks who want to dance though)